Vitality Assessment

Flexibility, Balance, and Reaction Time: The Pillars of a Long and Vital Life

Have you ever wondered how truly vital you are and what steps you can take to maintain your physical condition optimally? Flexibility, balance, and reaction time are crucial not only for your well-being but also for longevity. A professional assessment provides insights into these important areas and helps you enhance them.

What is a Physical Assessment?

A comprehensive analysis of your physical performance in areas such as flexibility, balance, reaction time, and muscle strength. It offers a detailed snapshot of your current vitality and provides targeted, medically analyzed recommendations for improvement. Various parameters are measured, including maximum isometric strength, range of motion, muscular power, and balance.

Why is the Physical Assessment Important?

A physical assessment provides accurate data about your vitality and shows how you can improve it to lead a long and healthy life. By analyzing your muscle strength, flexibility, and balance, you gain valuable insights and strategies to sustainably enhance these areas.

Benefits of the Physical Assessment:

Maximum Isometric Strength: Measures how strong your muscles are during static contraction. This is a key indicator of longevity and independence in older age.

Range of Motion (ROM): Assesses the flexibility of your joints. Good flexibility is essential for a pain-free life and promotes mobility.

Muscular Power: Measures the explosive strength of your muscles, helping you understand how functionally independent you are. This is crucial for an active and vital life.

Balance: Improves your balance and reduces the risk of falls, which is a significant factor for longevity.

How the Physical Assessment Works:

The physical assessment begins with measuring maximum isometric strength using a dynamometer. Next, we evaluate your flexibility through range of motion tests. Your muscular power is determined via the Counter Movement Jump (CMJ) test, followed by a balance test on a balance platform. Each of these measurements provides precise insights into your physical condition.